
MS Excel VBA


Microsoft excel post on ms excel vba

How to Change the Number of Days in an Excel Date (Shortcut + Formula)

How to Change the Number of Days in an Excel Date (Shortcut + Formula) Because Microsoft Excel maintains times and dates as integers, users may simply add and remove days from dates in Excel. Additionally, you can easily calculate the total number of days between two dates by simply subtracting one from the other. I’ll […]

How to Change the Number of Days in an Excel Date (Shortcut + Formula) Read More »

Excel Unmerge Cells Instructions (3 Simple Methods + Shortcut)

Excel Unmerge Cells Instructions (3 Simple Methods + Shortcut) There are several functionalities and tools in Excel. Some aspects are quite popular, but I wish they weren’t. One such function is the capacity for cell merging. Even though I don’t use it personally, I nevertheless frequently find myself unmerging cells (mostly in the workbooks shared

Excel Unmerge Cells Instructions (3 Simple Methods + Shortcut) Read More »

Show Warning If Duplicate

Show Warning If Duplicate Value Entered In Column Cells (2 Easy Way)

Show Warning If Duplicate Value Entered In Column Cells (2 Easy Way) Download! Warn_for_duplicate_values.XLSM Form Sources Code ‘For more: https://msexcelvba.com Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim Lng As Long, Final, STR As String Dim Rng As Range If Intersect(Target, Range(“A:A”)) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub Lng = Cells(Rows.Count, “A”).End(xlUp).Row On Error Resume Next If

Show Warning If Duplicate Value Entered In Column Cells (2 Easy Way) Read More »

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