MS Excel VBA


Microsoft Excel VBA Learn From MS Excel VBA

Excel Unmerge Cells Instructions (3 Simple Methods + Shortcut)

Excel Unmerge Cells Instructions (3 Simple Methods + Shortcut) There are several functionalities and tools in Excel. Some aspects are quite popular, but I wish they weren’t. One such function is the capacity for cell merging. Even though I don’t use it personally, I nevertheless frequently find myself unmerging cells (mostly in the workbooks shared

Excel Unmerge Cells Instructions (3 Simple Methods + Shortcut) Read More »

Show Warning If Duplicate

Show Warning If Duplicate Value Entered In Column Cells (2 Easy Way)

Show Warning If Duplicate Value Entered In Column Cells (2 Easy Way) Download! Warn_for_duplicate_values.XLSM Form Sources Code ‘For more: Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim Lng As Long, Final, STR As String Dim Rng As Range If Intersect(Target, Range(“A:A”)) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub Lng = Cells(Rows.Count, “A”).End(xlUp).Row On Error Resume Next If

Show Warning If Duplicate Value Entered In Column Cells (2 Easy Way) Read More »

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