
MS Excel VBA


Microsoft Excel VBA Learn From MS Excel VBA

How To Separate Text And Numbers In Excel using VBA macros

How To Separate Text And Numbers In Excel using VBA macros

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItPivGlJ-BI&t=121s How To Separate Text And Numbers In Excel using vba macros   Regular Expressions (Regno or Regtext) are frequently used in the developer world. They are used to validate website password information, search for text expression patterns, and many other uses. When using Regno in VBA, patterns are based. In our example file, column

How To Separate Text And Numbers In Excel using VBA macros Read More »

Phrase Data Into Sheets Excel VBA

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBzt2QahpcE Phrase Data Into Sheets Excel VBA   Download!Phrase Data Into Sheets Excel VBA Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim A As Long If Target.Column = 8 Then For i = 5 To Me.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row If Cells(i, “H”).Value = “Administration” Then Rows(i).Copy Sheets(“Administration”).Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues Rows(i).Delete i = i – 1 ElseIf Cells(i,

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How to Increase Excel’s Decimal Places (Automatically)

How to Increase Excel’s Decimal Places (Automatically) While working with Excel data, you’ll have to deal with decimals (particularly when working with accounting or currency data). Several built-in features in Excel are intended to make the program smarter and more user-friendly but end up being a little annoying. You’ll probably run into this problem when

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How to Prevent Rounding in Excel for Numbers (Decimals/Fractions)

How to Prevent Rounding in Excel for Numbers (Decimals/Fractions): Excel is an incredibly sophisticated spreadsheet program that has been created to optimize the productivity of its users. While it often functions as intended, there are rare situations where it may work against you. When Excel decides to round off numbers is one such instance. I’ll

How to Prevent Rounding in Excel for Numbers (Decimals/Fractions) Read More »

Use Excel to calculate the time (time difference, hours worked, add/subtract).

Use Excel to calculate the time (time difference, hours worked, add/subtract).

Use Excel to calculate the time (time difference, hours worked, add/subtract). Excel allows you to quickly perform basic arithmetic operations and apply formulae to date and time variables since they are stored as integers in the database. For instance, you might combine two different time or date values, or you could figure out how much time

Use Excel to calculate the time (time difference, hours worked, add/subtract). Read More »

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