MS Excel VBA

How to Print an Excel Sheet on a Single Page (Fit to One Page)

How to Print an Excel Sheet on a Single Page (Fit to One Page)

If you often print data or work from Excel, you’ve probably run across a problem where numerous pages are printed instead of just one.

Sometimes it’s so annoying that a new page is produced to make room for a few additional data lines (which also leads to a waste of paper).

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There are various easy methods you may employ to guarantee that your Excel data is printed on a single page (or on fewer pages if you’re producing a large report).

I’ll go through a few techniques in this Excel tutorial for printing an Excel sheet all on one page. To achieve the greatest outcome, you can combine these techniques.

then let’s get going!

This instruction explains:
1. Check the number of pages that would be printed (Preview)
2. How to Print an Excel Sheet on a Single Page
2.1 Widen or narrow the columns (or Row height)
2.2 Modify scaling so that all rows and columns fit on a single page.
2.3 Remove or Cover Rows/Columns
2.4 Orient the page differently
2.5 Modify the page margins
2.6 smaller font size
3. Print Only Selected Data (or Set the Print Area)
4. Add Page Breaks as a Bonus

1. Check the number of pages that would be printed (Preview)

It is recommended to examine the present status using the Print Preview before starting to optimize the settings to print the Excel work in one sheet.

Not to worry! Nothing has to be printed for this. You may easily examine the printed work’s appearance and the expected number of sheets.

This enables you to comprehend the adjustments you can make to ensure you’re utilizing the least amount of paper possible while yet maintaining your printed report’s beauty and legibility.

The steps to utilize Print Preview to preview how the finished print job will appear are listed below:
  • Go to the File tab.
  • Select Print from the menu.

Alternatively, you may use the keyboard shortcut Command + P (Control + P on a Mac).

By doing so, you’d be able to see how many pages would be printed and what would be printed on each one on the Print preview page.

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When in Print preview mode, you may go to the following or previous page using the arrow keys.

2. How to Print an Excel Sheet on a Single Page

Let’s now examine several techniques you may employ to fit all the data in a sheet on a single page so that you can publish your report on a single page (or fewer pages)

2.1 Widen or narrow the columns (or Row height)

Your columns don’t necessarily need to be that big.

Additionally, by merely lowering the column width, you may save a significant amount of paper because this directly affects how much data is printed on a single page.

But how can you tell whether you have accomplished enough? How do you calculate the amount of column width to decrease to fit everything on one page?

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Use Excel’s Page Layout View to see in real-time how much data would be displayed on each page of your report to make this simple.

The steps to enter Page Layout mode and subsequently shrink the column width are as follows:
  1. In the ribbon, select the View tab.
  2. Select “Page Layout” from the Workbook Views group by clicking on it. This will alter how the data is presented (and you will see scales at the top and on the left of the worksheet)
  3. To accommodate the data on one page, make the column width smaller. To achieve this, position the cursor near the margin of the column header whose size you wish to decrease. then drag and click.

You can print the information once it is all on one page.

You could occasionally notice that a cell’s data is partially shown or that it has been cut off. When you alter the column width, this frequently occurs. By turning on Excel’s Wrap text option, you can fix this.

Click on the View tab, then select “Normal” to return to the regular view and exit the Page Layout view.

2.2 Modify scaling so that all rows and columns fit on a single page.

There is an option built into Excel that enables you to resize the worksheet so that more rows and columns fit on a single page.

When you do this, everything is simply shrunk to accommodate all the columns or rows on a single page.

Consider a sheet where, when printed, the columns overflow onto the adjacent page.

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The steps to reduce the sheet’s size while printing is as follows:
  1. Go to the File tab.
  2. Click Print, or press Control + P on your keyboard, to start printing.
  3. Click the Scaling option in the Print window (the final one on the left).
  4. Click on any of the following choices:
  • Sheet Fitted on One Page
  • All Columns on a Single Page
  • Fill the Page with All Rows

Scaling the document to fit the page using the aforementioned methods (based on what options you have selected). Additionally, the sheet preview on the right will allow you to see how the data will appear.

When only a few rows or columns are overflowing the page, 
you should use the "Fit Sheet on One Page" option. If there are many, 
selecting this option might result in the printed data being difficult to read.

The worksheet data are unaffected by this. The data is merely scaled for printing reasons.

2.3 Remove or Cover Rows/Columns

Hide any columns or rows you don’t need to print to print everything on a single page.

Although concealing them when printing will ensure that you’re maximizing the space and printing on fewer pages, you can easily make them visible again in case you need them later.

Simply choose a row or column, right-click, and then choose Hide.

Once more, it’s better to do this after entering Page Layout mode. This ensures that you can see how many rows and columns you need to conceal in Excel to fit all of the data on one page.

The procedures to reveal the rows and columns in Excel are shown below.

2.4 Orient the page differently

It makes sense to change the orientation of the page during printing if there are additional columns and rows.

In Excel, there are two orientations;

  1. Excel’s default portrait orientation prints more rows than columns.
  2. Landscape: More columns than rows are printed.

You may switch the page orientation to Landscape if you have more columns than rows (as in the example below) to make sure your data fits and prints on one page.

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The steps to alter Excel’s page orientation are listed below:
  1. Toggle to the Page Layout tab.
  2. Click the dialogue box launcher in the Page Setup group. In doing so, the “Page Setup” dialogue box will appear.
  3. In the dialogue box, click the Page tab (if not selected already)
  4. Pick Landscape from the Orientation drop-down menu.
  5. OK

You may now access Print Preview to check how your report will appear when printed.

The key combination to activate the Page Setup dialogue box is SHIFT + ALT + P (press these keys in succession)

Alternatively, you may choose Landscape Orientation from the drop-down menu in the Print Preview window’s options to alter the orientation.

2.5 Modify the page margins

Sometimes a new page is printed with just one or two more columns (or a few extra rows that are spilling to the next page).

You might be able to fit everything on one page with a small modification to the Page margins.

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If you’re unsure what page margins are, every printed page of an Excel worksheet has some white space at the edges. This is done on purpose to ensure that the data prints well.

Reduce this white space (the page margin) if you want to accommodate more information on a single page.

The procedures to lessen Excel’s page margin are as follows:
  1. Toggle to the Page Layout tab.
  2. Click ‘Margins’ under the Page Setup group.
  3. selecting Narrow

The aforementioned actions would decrease the page margin, and you could see that additional rows and columns were crammed into the same page.

If you wish to further lower the page margin, select “Custom Margins” from the “Margins” menu on the ribbon. By doing this, the Page Setup Dialog box will pop up, allowing you to further modify the margins.

2.6 smaller font size

Reducing the font size is another fast and easy approach to rapidly make some more rows/columns (that are now spilling to other pages when printed) fit on the same page.

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With this, you may adjust a few columns such that they print on a single page.

This is helpful if you need to have printed information that is typically included in the appendix but no one will read or care about it.

3. Print Only Selected Data (or Set the Print Area)

You might not always want to publish the entirety of a big dataset. Perhaps you wish to publish only a subset of the data.

If this is a one-time situation and you want to rapidly print the chosen data in the worksheet, follow the steps below:

  1. Choose the information you wish to publish.
  2. Go to the File tab.
  3. Click Print, or press Control + P on your keyboard, to start printing.
  4. Click the first entry under Settings in the Print screen that appears.
  5. Select Print Selection by clicking. The preview would also alter to simply display the portion that will be printed, as you would observe.
  6. Select Print.

The aforementioned actions would only print the chosen dataset.

Please take note that your dataset may be printed on numerous pages if it cannot fit on one page due to the dataset you choose. To print your choice on a single page, however, you can set the scale to “Fit Sheet on One Page.”

When you sometimes need to print the selected data, the aforementioned procedure works well.

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However, setting the print area is a better option if you need to print the same selection from many worksheets. Once it is selected, Excel will only print the data in this Print Area and disregard the rest of the sheet’s data.

The steps to set the print area in Excel are as follows:
  1. Choose the information you wish to use for the print area.
  2. Toggle to the Page Layout tab.
  3. Choose Print Area from the Page Setup group by clicking it.
  4. choose “Set Print Area”
I’m done now!

Now, just the print area of a worksheet would print when you tried to print it (and only this will be shown in the Print Preview).

4. Add Page Breaks as a Bonus

In case your dataset is huge. It is evident that the complete set of information cannot be printed on a single page and would require many pages.

To tell Excel when to stop printing on the current page and continue on the following one, you may add page breaks.

The steps to add page breaks in Excel are as follows:
  1. Choose the cell where the page break should be inserted. the following cell everything would then be printed on the next page.
  2. Toggle to the Page Layout tab.
  3. The Breaks option may be found in the Page Setup group.
  4. To insert page breaks, choose them.

With the aforementioned procedures, a page break would be added, and all information would be printed on one sheet before the page break and other pages for the remaining information.

Please take note that page breaks will be ignored if you have specified the print area.

These are a few techniques you may employ to print an Excel spreadsheet on a single page and fit data into it. The preceding techniques can be used to reduce paper use and fit the same amount of information into fewer pages even when printing a large amount of data may not make sense.

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I hope you found this tutorial useful.

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